Try BlackCurve for 14 days, for free.
1. Request a call from our pricing experts to get started.
2. We'll discuss your pricing strategy, and the pricing tools that will unlock the most profit.
3. Setting up a direct integration with your eCommerce store, and your dedicated BlackCurve portal.
3. Conduct a trial on a subset of your products, to measure BlackCurve's impact over the trial period.
4. Review the results, and wonder why you didn't try BlackCurve sooner.
Here's what retailers who are currently using BlackCurve achieve:
- 12% improvement in revenue
- Boost profitability by 9%
- Sell 5% of previously static inventory
- Increase their inventory size by 5%
“Pricing just isn't an issue for us anymore.â€
Jourdan Baird, Craigmore Online
“Taking the guess work out of pricing.â€
Seamus Óg McGilligan, Donaghy Bros