BlackCurve Press Kit
About BlackCurve
BlackCurve is price management and configure price quote software that helps companies achieve smarter pricing and greater profits.
The company is initially targeting manufacturers, distributors, retailers and service providers as customers who will benefit from this new technology.
Think of it on the one hand as a pricing feedback loop, and on the other, a pricing communication tool for sales staff and customers.
The Price Management & Optimisation feature allows companies to setup more advanced pricing rules, model the potential impact of these rules, and analyse the actual performance on an ongoing basis, in order to get to the best price point for all goods and services.
The Configure Price Quote (CPQ) feature is a quoting system for complex products, pricing and business channels.
The word ‘black’ was borrowed from the banking term ‘you’re in the black’ meaning your bank account has a positive cash balance. The word ‘curve’ symbolises how the company’s software will help businesses increase their profitability.
What started out as an idea in September 2015, saw the company join the Accelerator Academy run by Ian Merricks and Katie Lewis in late 2015. The company was prodded, tweaked and improved, and by March 2016, BlackCurve was created. The company is launching in October 2016.
BlackCurve is launching soon
The team have been busy behind the scenes getting ready to unveil their first product to the public. Sign up today to get early access.
For press inquiries, please contact:
Philip Huthwaite
Office: +44 (0)1386 800 214
14 Gainsborough House, Campden Business Park
Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire
United Kingdom
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BlackCurve is a family business, ran by Philip Huthwaite CEO and Founder. A former Sales Director at Innoware and Technology Consultant at Accenture.
Charles Huthwaite is the Technical Director, and has experience across 12 programming languages following a background in technology that has spanned 30 years. He is supported in building BlackCurve by Robert Dexter, the Lead Software Engineer.
The team also includes Moira McCormick, as their Content Marketer and Emmanuel Aremu who is their Digital Marketing Executive.
Team Pictures
Philip Huthwaite
Founder & CEO
Charles Huthwaite
Technical Director
Robert Dextor
Lead Systems Director
Emmanuel Aremu
Digital Marketing Executive
Moira McCormick
Content Marketing