E028 eCommerce Matters - Competitor Product Matching Explained

Posted by Felicity Simpson on January 27, 2021

This week, the discussion is on product matching. How do you define an exact match? How do you match products without GTINs? Should product matches be determined by Google search results? All of this and more covered in this episode of eCommerce Matters. 

See the full blog post for a collection of shorts from this week's episode, including advice on how to go about collecting data on competitor products and prices, how to determine if you have an exact match, and a bonus tip from the point of view of consumers!

Hosts: Philip Huthwaite (CEO & Founder of BlackCurve) and Rob Horton (Product Director at BlackCurve).

Listen to the full episode on your favourite podcast platform:


How do you collect Competitor Data from Google?

To start us off, Philip talks us through some of the ways to begin collecting competitor product and pricing information using Google Shopping.


... And, Should product matches be defined by the search results?

Philip and Rob discuss whether your product matches are defined by search results, or, if there is more to be considered.


How do you product match without GTINs?

Philip discusses what to do in scenarios where businesses cannot, or would rather not, conduct product matching using GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers).


What is an exact product match?

Using the example of a pack of batteries, Philip shows us how to identify the key components that constitute an exact product match.


A Shopping Tip for consumers

In this clip, Philip and Rob show us how, as consumers, we can use product matches to ensure that we get the best prices when buying products stocked by multiple retailers online...


And finally

This Week's props:



If you enjoyed this blog post, please remember to check out the rest of the eCommerce Matters podcast series - all documented here on the BlackCurve blog.


Topics: Pricing Strategy, Competition, Pricing System, Ecommerce, Podcast

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