The job of getting our pricing right never seems to get any easier. Just how do you figure out what
Perhaps now is the time to start experimenting in small ways to find a strategy which has the most beneficial effect on your conversion rate.
The job of getting our pricing right never seems to get any easier. Just how do you figure out what
Perhaps now is the time to start experimenting in small ways to find a strategy which has the most beneficial effect on your conversion rate.
Topics: Pricing, Ecommerce, Ecommerce Company
At BlackCurve, we aim to introduce as many companies as possible to the best pricing software so that they can optimise their prices and grow their profits.
Topics: BlackCurve, Partnerships
In 2015, ecommerce in the United Kingdom was worth a whopping £133 billion, with economists predicting an increase of 11%. The rate of growth surpassed this prediction, as 2016 saw an increase in ecommerce of 16% across the year - and intellectuals predict a further 14% increase for 2017.
Topics: Ecommerce
As BlackCurve continues to progress, it has looked to expand its team in order to contribute towards its mission of helping companies optimise their prices and grow profits. And so, Blackcurve has opened its office doors to its very first intern.
Topics: BlackCurve, Team, Internship
Strategic pricing sets a product's price based on the product's value in the eyes of your customers (or potential customers) rather than on the more usual cost of production plus a markup.
Topics: Pricing Strategy, Pricing Strategies, Strategic Pricing
Product pricing can be your most powerful tool with which to boost sales. Fact! However, do you often feel uncertain about your current pricing strategy, that it's not "quite right" -
Sometimes it boils down to how you wish your business to be perceived - is it as the retailer who sells below the competition to get loads of sales or the one who sells at a higher price but gains added respect because of the value and service you offer?
Topics: Ecommerce Pricing Strategies
At BlackCurve, we aim to give you the best pricing software to help you grow your company. 'The Shard' release includes:
Topics: Product Update
As BlackCurve continues to progress, it has looked to expand its team in order to contribute towards its mission of helping companies optimise their prices and grow profits. And so, Blackcurve has opened its office doors to its very first intern.
Blackcurve's Marketing Intern, Chandan Dhiman will be uploading a weekly log detailing the projects she completes over the course of two months.
Topics: BlackCurve, Team, Internship
Just how do consumers choose one retailer over another if the prices for the same goods are similar - or even exactly the same? Being the cheapest doesn't always win the sale and chances are that those consumers will be swayed to choose the retailer that offers the best product information, customer service/support, ease and timeliness of ordering, delivery and returns etc.
As a retailer it stands to reason that you'll need to offer excellent service to your existing customers to keep them loyal - and to ensure you win new customers along the way. However, there are also some competitive pricing strategies you should try as well to win the day, so read on...
The ecommerce world can be tough so getting your pricing strategy right will be one of your most important tasks. Get it right and potential customers will be all too happy to open their wallets and buy. Get it wrong and it could be "Good night Vienna"!!
Do you actually know how much your products are worth - and just how low would you be willing to price your items in order to compete with rivals?
If you truly want to be successful in ecommerce it should all start with an effective pricing strategy. By applying various pricing approaches, your business will be more efficient, profitable and sustainable in the market.
Topics: Ecommerce
As BlackCurve continues to progress, it has looked to expand its team in order to contribute towards its mission of helping companies optimise their prices and grow profits. And so, Blackcurve has opened its office doors to its very first intern.
Topics: BlackCurve, Team, Internship
There has been a recent trend in which companies are increasingly taking advantage of the developments made in technology and software. In particular, ‘chatbots’ have been implemented by many industries to automate business processes, or serve as an interface for customers to provide additional support during the buyer’s journey.
Topics: Chatbot
Loyalty is an old-fashioned word traditionally used to describe fidelity and enthusiastic devotion to a cause or an individual. In a business context it describes a customer’s willingness to continue buying from a firm over the long term, preferably on an exclusive basis, and recommending the firm’s products or services to friends and associates.
Customer loyalty is seen as a key determinant of a firm’s profitability. Your goal should be to make your customers feel good about shopping with you – and want to return.
Topics: Pricing Strategies
As BlackCurve continues to progress, it has looked to expand its team in order to contribute towards its mission of helping companies optimise their prices and grow profits. And so, Blackcurve has opened its office doors to its very first intern.
Topics: BlackCurve, Team, Internship
Pricing objectives are the goals that guide your business in setting the cost of a product or service to your existing or potential consumers.
A pricing objective underpins the pricing process for a product and it should reflect your company's marketing, financial, strategic and product goals, as well as consumer price expectations and the levels of your available stock and production resources.
Topics: Pricing Objectives
When you first launched your business you were probably nervous about price setting and didn't want to scare potential customers away by pricing too highly. It was probably easier (and you felt safer) to price low – your thinking being that this would attract new customers and steal customers away from competitors.
Well, this may have seemed like a good strategy in the early days but over time, have you made only nominal increases to your prices without considering what this is doing to your bottom line?
Topics: Pricing
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